Actor Amy Jackson, who announced her pregnancy in March this year, officially celebrated her engagement to fiance George Panayiotou in London on Sunday. Pictures and videos, which are all over social media, show soon-to-be-a-mother Amy and George having a good time. In one the videos, the two are dancing to music. Amy shared many clips as Instagram stories and in one of them, she said:
Amy and George, seen here, dancing at the party.
According to a report in Filmfare earlier this year, Amy had invited some of her friends from Bollywood too for the London bash on May 5. The invite reportedly read: “We would love to invite you to our home to celebrate our engagement and to kickstart Summer 2019.”
In March this year, the actor had revealed that she is expecting her first child with George. She shared an adorable post on Instagram, and said how the couple “can’t wait to meet the little one”.
“I’ve been waiting to shout it from the rooftops, and today, being Mother’s Day, it couldn’t be a more perfect time...I already love you more than anything in this world, the purest most honest love. We can’t wait to meet you our little Libra one,” she wrote with a picture of the couple, where her baby bump is clearly visible. The post also reveals that the baby is expected between mid-September to mid-October.
In January, Amy had announced her engagement with another message on Instagram. Amy had written: “YES A GAZILLION TIMES!!!!! 1st January 2019 - The start of our new adventure in life I love you. Thank you for making me the happiest girl in the world.” As per media reports, the couple is all set to tie the knot in Greece in 2020.
Amy made her acting debut with 2010 Tamil movie Madrasapattinam and has featured in several Telugu, Hindi and Kannada films apart from Tamil films. Ekk Deewana Tha, Singh Is Bling, Freaky Ali are some of the Bollywood movies she has worked in. She was last seen in Rajinikanth and Akshay Kumar starrer 2.0.